
NextValue Research frequently does research that leads to publications. An overview of our publications since 2009.

Thuis op School onder de aandacht

Idee aan Zee mediaproducties 2011

Videosummary of a quantitative research on the coverage area, usage, valuation and effects of the Dutch multimedia distance learning programm Thuis op School. (In Dutch)

Om van gewone dingen meer te weten

Sander Smit, m.m.v. Thomas Bersee
NextValue Research 2011
For, in concertation with the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science

About the use and value of in non-formal education. Contexts that are examined are sheltered employment, penitentiaries and the care sector. (In Dutch)

Werken met Lees en Schrijf! Taal op je werk. Het liefst met een beetje begeleiding.

Sander Smit
Coutinho 2010

Multimedia distance learning programm Lees en Schrijf! Taal op je werk was originally not meant to be used as a teaching method. Still many teachers use it in their classroom. Learners prefer to use the programm with a little support. In: Alfanieuws. (In Dutch)

Ik wil nou eens een keer zelfstandiger worden!

Sander Smit, m.m.v. Thomas Bersee
NextValue 2009

How do illiterate learners work with and experience the multimedia distance learning programm Lees en Schrijf! Taal op je werk? Does it suit their needs and wishes? Does it contribute to consciousness among the general public and break the taboo on the subject of illiteracy? Does it lead to more illiterate people signing up for a literacy course? (In Dutch)